Saturday, 22 October 2016

Welcome to my first post!

Hello all!

And how are you today? 

I'm fine. Day 2 of California and it's off to a good start. We have our new Sim cards, looked around areas to live in and gone for a swim. Slightly off kilter with jetlag but doing well. What's there not to like? 

I must apologise as so far but all I feel is a sense of relief. I must confess that the last few years in London have been difficult. And even though California cannot (must not) be a panacea to my problems that I faced in London (all through my own creation I might add!), I feel a great relief at having left. I miss the people dearly, but I do not miss the weather, nor the travel.  Nor the British passive aggressive unspoken rules to the Nth degree (more on that later!). London will be home in many ways, but in others, it remains foreign and aloof. A city that you have to love and/or hate. 

California living is, so far, pretty easy (she says on day 2).  The Americans are open and warm. You don't have to pretend to like someone when you don't (and I've already not pretended to like anyone today!). I haven't driven yet. That could be why. Tomorrow, H asks me, would you like to drive? Hmmmm. Not my strongest suit but hey, what the heck? I won't get anywhere if I don't drive. So I shrug nonchalantly and say "Yeah, why not?" Good luck Californian drivers.

Who knows what's going to happen next but the sun is shining and there are cowboys and indians in electrical stores (I know! How crazy is that? Refer to pics here guys!) so let's just go with the flow. It's all too crazy and nutty to process at the moment and I'm going to just run with it. I cannot complain, life is good. We have an outdoor heated pool. In winter. It's 23 degrees Celcius outdoors. I feel the daggers from the Londoners now. 

All that remains now is to leave you with pictures of the wackiest store I have been to so far. Yes folks, it is an electrical store selling electrical goods. And yes, that is a Wild West theme. 


Lots of love from California!

1 comment:

  1. What happened was that Trump got elected President .... oh joy. Only way is up!
